Image of the sun above the ocean

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State law in Hawaiʻi allows those affected by a sudden and unexpected death caused by another to take legal action. A wrongful death lawsuit can compensate the close family members who have lost a loved one because of an outside party’s actions or failures. The party responsible for the death could be either an individual, […]

3 Factors That Influence The Value Of A Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Image of an emergency entrance.

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These days, it seems like all hospitals are overcrowded and understaffed, so it’s no wonder they’re in a hurry to get patients out the doors as fast as possible. But what happens if you’re discharged too early, and your condition isn’t really stable? If you end up right back in the hospital a few hours […]

Is Premature Discharge From A Hospital Malpractice?

Image of crutches.

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Surgical “never events” are serious, preventable medical errors that occur before, during or after surgery and are so egregious that reasonable people agree that they should never happen. These incidents can result in severe consequences for patients, leading to significant harm, disability or even death. All surgical departments must have protocols in place to help […]

6 Surgical Never Events

Picture of a stethoscope.

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You probably think that medical malpractice is rare. The average person trusts their doctor implicitly and puts a lot of faith in the education and licensing systems that establish standards for the medical profession. Sadly, medical malpractice is actually a major issue in the United States. In fact, medical mistakes are the third leading cause […]

3 Of The Most Common Forms Of Medical Malpractice

64 Keawe Street,
 Hilo, HI 96720

74-5706 Hanama Place
Suite 201A
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

2233 W. Vineyard Street
Suite D
Wailuku, HI 96793 

Office Locations

Wailuku Office

Kailua-Kona Office

Hilo Office

Honolulu, Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Wailuku

1003 Bishop Street
Suite 890
Honolulu, HI 96813 

Honolulu Office